Render and template output sourceΒΆ

In literate programming, the input is representative of a published form. The original target for the WEB programming implementation is the Device Independent Format used by Latex, and with the ability to target PDF. [Markdown] is the pidgy document language. It is a plain text formatting syntax that has canonical representations in HTML.

An important feature of interactive computing in the browser is access to rich display object provided by HTML and Javascript. pidgy takes advantage of the ability to include hypermedia forms that enhance and support computational narratives.

import dataclasses, IPython, pidgy

class Weave:

    exporter = __import__('nbconvert').exporters.TemplateExporter()

The Weave class controls the display of pidgy outputs.

    shell: object

    def post_run_cell(self, result):

Show the woven output.

        text = pidgy.util.strip_front_matter(
        lines = text.splitlines() or ['']
        if not lines[0].strip(): return pidgy.util.html_comment(text)

    def render(self, text):
        import builtins, operator

Try to replace any jinja templates with information in the current namespace and show the rendered view.

            template = self.exporter.environment.from_string(text, globals={
                **vars(builtins), **vars(operator),
                **getattr(, 'user_ns', {})})
            text = template.render()
        except BaseException as Exception:
            IPython.get_ipython().showtraceback((type(Exception), Exception, Exception.__traceback__))

        return text