Import Markdown files and notebooksΒΆ

Literate pidgy programs are reusable as [Python] scripts and modules. These features are configured by inheriting features from importnb that customize the [Python] import system to discover/load alternative source files. pidgy treats [Python], [Markdown], and [Notebook] files as python source.

sys.meta_path and sys.path_hooks

    __all__ = 'pidgyLoader',
    import pidgy, IPython, importnb

get_data determines how a file is decoding from disk. We use it to make an escape hatch for markdown files otherwise we are importing a notebook.

    def get_data(self, path):
        if self.path.endswith('.md'): return self.code(self.decode())
        return super(pidgyLoader, self).get_data(path)

The code method tangles the [Markdown] to [Python] before compiling to an [Abstract Syntax Tree].

    def code(self, str):
        for callable in (self.transformer_manager.transform_cell,
            str = ''.join(callable(''.join(str)))
        return str

The visit method allows custom [Abstract Syntax Tree] transformations to be applied.

    def visit(self, node):
        return pidgy.tangle.ExtraSyntax().visit(node)

Attach these methods to the pidgy loader.

Only [Python] files and common flavored notebooks may be used as source code before the pidgyLoader is defined. Once the pidgyLoader is defined [Markdown] becomes a new source target for [Python] and [Notebook]s bearing the ".md.ipynb" extension are consumed specially as pidgy flavored documents.

    class pidgyLoader(importnb.Notebook):
        extensions = " .md .md.ipynb".split()
        transformer_manager = pidgy.tangle.pidgyManager()
        code = code
        visit = visit
        get_source = get_data = get_data
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