Interactive formal testing

Testing is something we added because of the application of notebooks as test units.

A primary use case of notebooks is to test ideas. Typically this in informally using manual validation to qualify the efficacy of narrative and code. To ensure testable literate documents we formally test code incrementally during interactive computing.

def make_test_suite(*objects: typing.Union[
    unittest.TestCase, types.FunctionType, str
], vars, name) -> unittest.TestSuite:

The interactive testing suite execute doctest and unittest conventions for a flexible interface to verifying the computational qualities of literate programs.

    suite, doctest_suite = unittest.TestSuite(), doctest.DocTestSuite()

    for object in objects:
        if isinstance(object, type) and issubclass(object, unittest.TestCase):
        elif isinstance(object, str):
            doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(object, vars, name, name, 1), doctest.ELLIPSIS))
            InlineDoctestParser().get_doctest(object, vars, name, name, 1), checker=NullOutputCheck))
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):

    doctest_suite._tests and suite.addTest(doctest_suite)
    return suite

def post_run_cell(result):
        shell = IPython.get_ipython()
        globs, filename = shell.user_ns, F"In[{shell.last_execution_result.execution_count}]"

        if not (result.error_before_exec or result.error_in_exec):
            definitions = []
            with ipython_compiler(shell):
                while shell.definitions:
                    definition = shell.definitions.pop(0)
                    object = shell.user_ns.get(definition, None)
                    if definition.startswith('test_') or pidgy.util.istype(object, unittest.TestCase):
                result = run(make_test_suite(, *definitions, vars=shell.user_ns, name=filename), result)

class Definitions(ast.NodeTransformer):
    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
        shell = IPython.get_ipython()
        shell and shell.definitions.append(
        return node
    visit_ClassDef = visit_FunctionDef

def run(suite: unittest.TestCase, cell) -> unittest.TestResult:
        result = unittest.TestResult();
        if result.failures:
            msg = '\n'.join(msg for text, msg in result.failures)
            msg = re.sub(re.compile("<ipython-input-[0-9]+-\S+>"), F'In[{cell.execution_count}]', clean_doctest_traceback(msg))
            sys.stderr.writelines((str(result) + '\n' + msg).splitlines(True))
            return result

def ipython_compiler(shell):

We’ll have to replace how doctest compiles code with the IPython machinery.

    def compiler(input, filename, symbol, *args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal shell
        return shell.compile(
                shell.compile.ast_parse(shell.transform_cell(textwrap.indent(input, ' '*4)))

    yield setattr(doctest, "compile", compiler)
    doctest.compile = compile

def clean_doctest_traceback(str, *lines):
    str = re.sub(re.compile("""\n\s+File [\s\S]+, line [0-9]+, in runTest\s+raise[\s\S]+\([\s\S]+\)\n?"""), '\n', str)
    return re.sub(re.compile("Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n"), '', str)
Utilities for the testing module.
class NullOutputCheck(doctest.OutputChecker):
    def check_output(self, *e): return True

class InlineDoctestParser(doctest.DocTestParser):
    _EXAMPLE_RE = re.compile(r'`(?P<indent>\s{0})'
    def _parse_example(self, m, name, lineno): return'source'), None, "...", None