Tidy Data

tidy data

> [...], a stack of elements is a common abstract data type used in computing. We would not think ‘to add’ two stacks as we would two integers.
>> Jeanette Wing - [Computational thinking and thinking about computing][computational thinking]

[computational thinking]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2696102/

[…], a stack of elements is a common abstract data type used in computing. We would not think ‘to add’ two stacks as we would two integers. > Jeanette Wing - Computational thinking and thinking about computing
A modernist style of notebook programming persists where documents are written as if programs are
starting for nothing. Meanwhile, authors of R programming language tend to begin with the assumption
that data exists and so does code. Notebook are a powerful substrate for working with data and
describing the logic behind different permutations.

pidgy was designed to weave projections of tabular into a computational documentation. Specifically,
we are concerned with the DataFrame, a popular tidy data abstraction that serves as a first
class data structure in scientific computing.

A modernist style of notebook programming persists where documents are written as if programs are starting for nothing. Meanwhile, authors of R programming language tend to begin with the assumption that data exists and so does code. Notebook are a powerful substrate for working with data and describing the logic behind different permutations.

pidgy was designed to weave projections of tabular into a computational documentation. Specifically, we are concerned with the DataFrame, a popular tidy data abstraction that serves as a first class data structure in scientific computing.

    import pandas as 🐼
import pandas as 🐼

The figure above illustrates the information in `df`.

A high level numeric project of this data's statistics are:


The statistics were created using measurements that look like the following data:


    df = 🐼.DataFrame([range(i, i+4) for i in range(10)], columns=list('abcd'))

The figure above illustrates the information in df.

A high level numeric project of this data’s statistics are:

<tr style="text-align: right;">

The statistics were created using measurements that look like the following data:

<tr style="text-align: right;">
df = 🐼.DataFrame([range(i, i+4) for i in range(10)], columns=list('abcd'))

In technical writing we need to consider existing conventions like:
* Figures above captions
* Table below captions

It still remains to be seen where code canonically fits in reference to figures and tables.

[Why should a table caption be placed above the table?]

[Why should a table caption be placed above the table?]: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3243/why-should-a-table-caption-be-placed-above-the-table

In technical writing we need to consider existing conventions like: * Figures above captions * Table below captions

It still remains to be seen where code canonically fits in reference to figures and tables.

Why should a table caption be placed above the table?

[notebook war]

[notebook war]: https://yihui.org/en/2018/09/notebook-war/