Create a simple fastapi application

fastapi is a web application framework in [Python]. It uses type annotations to define endspoints.

import fastapi, click

Make an instance of a fastapi application.

app = fastapi.FastAPI()

def highlight_terminal(str:str):

    import pygments.formatters.terminal256
    return pygments.highlight(str, pygments.lexers.find_lexer_class_by_name('yaml')(), pygments.formatters.terminal256.Terminal256Formatter(style='bw'))

def upper(str:str):

upper returns the uppercase value of the input string.

return str.upper() def cli(): …

@cli.command() def schema():

Display the schema for our simple application.

click.echo(highlight_terminal(import(‘yaml’).safe_dump(app.openapi(), default_flow_style=False)))

@cli.command() def serve():

Serve the simple fastapi application.

import(‘uvicorn’).run(app, host=””, port=8000)

__name__ == "__main__" and cli()

def _test_app():
    import starlette.testclient
    client = starlette.testclient.TestClient(app)
    assert client.get('/upper/rawr').text == 'RAWR!'