pidgy hyperactive programmings

pidgy is a fun way to interactively program in Markdown and IPython. It is design to tell stories with code, tests, and data in your favorite IDE (jupyter, nteract, colab, vscode). It that allows fluid combinations of code and prose with added language features like block markdown variables, emoji variables names, and interactive formal testing. It is designed primarily for Jupyter notebooks and Markdown source files that can be used as python modules, scripts, and applications.

Binder Documentation Status Python package PyPI - Python Version

pip install pidgy    # Install pidgy

pidgy features

  • interleave narrative and code in the same cells

  • test literate notebooks and programs

  • transclude real data into narratives with jinja2 templates

  • reactive displays that update on rendering

the pidgy shell/kernel

pidgy is installed as jupyter kernel that can be used in lab or classic. pidgy opens authors into a markdown forward programming interface.

  • the kernel can be installed manually using the cli.

pidgy kernel install # install the pidgy kernel.

authoring pidgy documents

in pidgy, code is indented. both markdown and python cells accept markdown in pidgy. as a result, in pidgy markdown cells are consider off and code are considered on. the indented code pattern is valid in standard IPython kernels and pidgy.

importing pidgy documents

after computing your pidgy programs you may reuse them as modules. pidgy extends the python import system to include ".ipynb" and ".md" files along with native ".py" files.

with __import__("pidgy").pidgyLoader(): 
    import README

the pidgy CLI

the pidgy cli helps to tangle and weave entire literate pidgy programs.

Usage: pidgy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  run       `pidgy` `run` makes it possible to execute `pidgy` documents as...
  test      Formally test markdown documents, notebooks, and python files.


pidgy uses doit to make tests and documentation work.



def task_book():

pidgy builds document with the jupyter_book project.

    return dict(actions="jupyter-book build .".splitlines())

def task_sphinx():

the "" for sphinx in generated from the jupyter_book cli and built with sphinx.

    return dict(actions="sphinx-build . docs".splitlines())

def task_test():

pidgy tests notebooks using plugins from importnb and nbval

    return dict(actions=["pytest --nbval --sanitize-with sanitize.cfg -p no:warnings pidgy/tests/test_* docs/examples")