Woven text

import IPython, pidgy.base, traitlets, jinja2
with pidgy.pidgyLoader(lazy=True): import pidgy.compat.templating
class Weave(pidgy.base.Trait):

Nominally, since the earliest illuminated manuscripts, text is in with type and form. In [literate programming], the weave step explicitly refers to the act of converting an input source into other media forms.

The original [WEB] implementation models the properties of printed documents using the [TeX] document language. pidgy shares the same concerns with the form of the published document; in fact, this workflow produces a [PDF] document using the [ReadTheDocs] open-source service with [DVI], Knuth’s original woven target, as an intermediate product[^dvi].

However, prior to printed forms, pidgy is concerned with the ability to Weave hypertext and hypermedia forms generated by [literate computing] and composing documents in modern web-browsers. pidgy uses as a document formatting language; it is chosen because it is the default document language of jupyter technologies.

The source code for pidgy is always [Markdown], it provides both the design and computation of an input. In [pidgy]

The Weave class controls the display of pidgy outputs, and it relies on the Weave.parent interactive shell.

    environment = traitlets.Instance('jinja2.Environment')
    iframe_width = traitlets.Any("100%")
    iframe_height = traitlets.Any("""600""")

    def post_run_cell(self, result):
        if not self.enabled: return

The Weave step is invoked after a cell or code has been executed.

        text = pidgy.util.strip_front_matter(result.info.raw_cell)
        lines = text.splitlines() or ['']
        if not lines[0].strip(): return

        if text.startswith(('http:', "https:")):
            lines in text.splitlines()
            if all(x.startswith(('http:', "https:")) for x in lines):
                return IPython.display.display(*(
                    IPython.display.IFrame(x, width=self.iframe_width, height=self.iframe_height) 
                    for x in lines

pidgy defers from printing the output if the first line is blank.

        display = pidgy.compat.templating.MarkdownDisplay(
            body=text, parent=self.parent, template=self.template(text)

Transclusion with jinja2 templates.

jinja2 is a convention for notebooks in the nbconvert universe. jinja2 is a popular templating engine that makes it possible to put programmatic objects into text.

    render_template = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(description=

Weave.render_template is a toggle for turning transclusion on and off.


By default templates are always rendered, but this feature can be turned off.

    def template(self, text):
        import builtins, operator
        return self.environment.from_string(text, globals={
                **vars(builtins), **vars(operator),
                **(getattr(self.parent, 'user_ns', {})).get('__annotations__', {}),
                **getattr(self.parent, 'user_ns', {})})

    def render(self, text):
        if not self.render_template: return text
        import builtins, operator
            return self.template(text).render()
        except BaseException as Exception: self.parent.showtraceback((type(Exception), Exception, Exception.__traceback__))
        return text

    display_manager = traitlets.Any()

    def _default_display_manager(self):
        manager = pidgy.compat.templating.DisplayManager(parent=self.parent)
        return manager

    def _default_environment(self):

More information about the default jinja2 environment may be found in the [compatability module].

        return pidgy.compat.templating.environment(self.parent)