Source code for pidgy.util

import re, typing, glob, pathlib, contextlib, sys

[docs]class ContextDepth: """Count the current depth of a context manager invocation.""" depth = 0
[docs] def __enter__(self): self.depth += 1
[docs] def __exit__(self, *e): self.depth -= 1
[docs]def html_comment(text): return f"""<!--\n{text}\n\n-->"""
[docs]def istype(object, cls): return isinstance(object, type) and issubclass(object, cls)
(FENCE, CONTINUATION, SEMI, COLON, MAGIC, DOCTEST), QUOTES, SPACE = ( "``` \\ ; : %% >>>".split(), ('"""', "'''"), " ", ) WHITESPACE = re.compile("^\s*", re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def indents(str: str) -> int: return len(str) - len(str.lstrip())
[docs]def num_first_indent(text: str) -> int: """The number of indents for the first blank line.""" for str in text.splitlines(): if str.strip(): return indents(str) return 0
[docs]def num_last_indent(text: str) -> int: """The number of indents for the last blank line.""" for str in reversed(text.splitlines()): if str.strip(): return indents(str) return 0
[docs]def base_indent(tokens: typing.List[dict]) -> int: "Peek into mistune tokens and find the last code indent." for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token["type"] == "code": code = token["text"] if code.lstrip().startswith(FENCE): continue indent = num_first_indent(code) break else: indent = 4 return indent
[docs]def quote(text: str) -> str: """Wrap strings in triple quoted block strings.""" if text.strip(): left, right = len(text) - len(text.lstrip()), len(text.rstrip()) quote = QUOTES[(text[right - 1] in QUOTES[0]) or (QUOTES[0] in text)] return text[:left] + quote + text[left:right] + quote + text[right:] return text
[docs]def whiten(text: str) -> str: """`whiten` strips empty lines because the `markdown.BlockLexer` doesn't like that.""" return "\n".join(x.rstrip() for x in text.splitlines())
def strip_front_matter(text: str, sep=None) -> str: """Remove yaml front matter froma string.""" if text.startswith("---\n"): front_matter, sep, rest = text[4:].partition("\n---") if sep: return "".join(rest.splitlines(True)[1:]) return text
[docs]def ansify(str: str, format="md"): """High source to be printed in the terms.""" import pygments.formatters.terminal256 return pygments.highlight( str, pygments.lexers.find_lexer_class_by_name(format)(), pygments.formatters.terminal256.Terminal256Formatter(), )
[docs]def yield_files(files: typing.Sequence[str], recursive=False) -> typing.Generator: """Return a list of files from a collection of files and globs.""" for file in files: yield from map( pathlib.Path, getattr(glob, ["", "r"][recursive] + "glob")(str(file)) if "*" in str(file) else [file], )
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def argv(*args: str): argv = sys.argv if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): args = args[0].split() sys.argv = list(args) yield sys.argv = list(argv)
[docs]def strip_shebang(str): return re.sub(re.compile(r"#!/.+\n"), "", str)
[docs]def strip_html_comment(str): return re.sub("(<!--[\s\S]*-->?)", "", str)
[docs]def strip_front_matter(text: str, sep=None) -> str: """Remove yaml front matter froma string.""" if text.startswith("---\n"): front_matter, sep, rest = text[4:].partition("\n---") if sep: return "".join(rest.splitlines(True)[1:]) return text
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def sys_path(): root = "." in sys.path if root: sys.path = ["."] + sys.path yield if root: sys.path.pop(sys.path.index("."))